Les nuages sont nombreux en début d'après-midi. Ils disparaissent parfois rapidement, pour laisser une large place au soleil. Cependant, dans les Aravis ainsi qu'en plaine et vallées, ils restent bien nombreux et peuvent même lâcher quelques averses en fin de journée. La limite pluie-neige se situe au plus bas à 1900 mètres. À la tombée du jour, vent s'établissant au Nord modéré, dans le secteur de Bellegarde. Cette nuit: Tout au long de la nuit, il est possible de rencontrer l'une ou l'autre averse, sous les nombreux passages nuageux. Située vers 1700 mètres en début de nuit, la limite pluie-neige s'élève ensuite au-dessus de 1900 mètres. Vent faible, variable.
Detailed bulletinIn accordance with current legislation, companies employing at least 50 employees are required to establish and publish their Professional Equality Index each year before March 1st.
This index, established within the framework of the law for the freedom to choose one's professional future, aims to measure and promote equality between women and men within companies.
Fully aware that gender equality constitutes an advantage from both an employer and customer relations perspective, SATELC is committed to treating all its employees fairly, regardless of their gender. In an industry largely dominated by male presence, SATELC celebrates the diversity of its collaborators, proudly welcoming women in positions at all levels of responsibility and on various types of assignments.
SATELC's index for 2024 for the calendar year 2023 is not calculable:
The first criterion evaluates the wage gap between women and men within the company. This calculation is done by comparing the average salary of women to that of men, weighted by the number of hours worked. Unfortunately, our metric is not calculable as the valid groups (those comprising at least 3 women and 3 men) account for less than 40% of the total workforce.
This criterion measures differences in the rate of increases between women and men. It is calculated by comparing the proportion of women and men who received an increase during the year.
This indicator measures the consideration of maternity leave periods in decisions regarding increases. It assesses the percentage of women who received an increase within twelve months of their return from maternity leave.
Finally, the indicator analyzes gender parity among the ten highest salaries in the company, comparing the number of women and men occupying these positions.