Éclaircies et passages nuageux alternent dans le ciel tout au long de l'après-midi. Il faut être prudent en fin de journée, car des brouillards, parfois givrants, se forment dans le secteur de Sallanches ainsi qu'en plaine et vallées. Vent variable, faible. Cette nuit: Soyez prudents dans vos déplacements,des bancs de brouillards givrants persistent toute la nuit, dans le secteur de Sallanches ainsi qu'en plaine et vallées, sous un ciel bien chargé. Quand il n'y a pas de brouillard, les étoiles sont bien visibles. Etablissement, en seconde partie de nuit, d'un vent d'Est-Sud-Est modéré, dans le massif du Mont-Blanc ; atténuation ensuite.
Detailed bulletinWinter 2024/2025
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
For all booking periods, lockers will be available at 3pm on the first day of booking and must be vacated by 12pm on the last day. Locker opening times are identical to those of the adjacent cash desks.
*For the Bossonnet ski lockers, stays of less than 5 nights may be booked on D-2 only, subject to availability. Periods of 6 nights or more can be booked at any time.
After payment and validation of your ski locker reservation, you will receive a confirmation text message with your locker number and access code.
Scheduled closing date: April 13, 2025.
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
For all booking periods, lockers will be available at 3pm on the first day of booking and must be vacated by 12pm on the last day. Locker opening times are identical to those of the adjacent cash desks.
Ski lockers based at Crêt du Merle can be booked at any time.
After payment and validation of your ski locker reservation, you will receive a confirmation text message with your locker number and access code.
Scheduled closing date: April 13, 2025.
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
The locker
4 pairs with heating system
For all booking periods, lockers will be available at 3pm on the first day of booking and must be vacated by 12pm on the last day. Locker opening times are identical to those of the adjacent cash desks.
*For the Champ Giguet ski lockers, stays of less than 5 nights can only be booked on D-2, subject to availability. Periods of 6 nights or more can be booked at any time.
After payment and validation of your ski locker reservation, you will receive a confirmation text message with your locker number and access code.
Scheduled closing date: April 15, 2025.