Un ciel gris nous accompagne durablement. Ces nuages donnent quelques averses jusqu'en début d'après-midi. La limite pluie-neige se situe vers 1350 mètres à l'aube, et elle remonte ensuite au-dessus de 1750 mètres. Vent faible, variable. Cette nuit: Les nuages sont nombreux toute la nuit. Les premières averses peuvent se former en soirée et deviennent plus fréquentes en fin de nuit. C'est de la neige qui tombe au-dessus de 1400 mètres. En seconde partie de nuit, vent s'établissant au Sud modéré, en basse vallée de l'Arve et Léman.
Detailed bulletinHow it works ? Prem's offer's price is constantly changing, be the fastest to get the best offer.
WHAT IS IT? Book online 7 days in advance to take advantage of the early booking offer.
Reserved for ONLINE PURCHASE of La Clusaz-Manigod and Aravis ski passes for 6 days or more. These advantages are valid during the validity of the ski pass.
WHAT IS IT? Just like a toll badge, there's no need to go to the sales point, just go directly to the lifts and pay only for the days you ski!
Why ? Take advantage of a discounted rate on the day pass: Adult 36€ (instead of 39€) / Junior 28€ (30€) / Senior 35€ (38€) / Veteran 18€ (19,50€).
An extreme simplicity of use associated with a price advantage and advantages as you use it!
From Annecy,Come by bus and benefit from the day pass at 29€ instead of 39€ on presentation of a ticket on the Cars Région Y62-63 line dated of the day and departing from Annecy to La Clusaz. Discount only available at the ticket office.
This year, the bus will drop you off at the bus station in La Clusaz on every schedules.
The bus also stops at the foot of the Bossonnet slope every Saturday and Sunday with the bus 62 leaving Annecy at 8.25am and returning from Bossonnet at 3.40pm.
From Geneva, Departure from the Geneva bus station to the La Clusaz bus station, every Saturday and Sunday :
Every weekends from 23/12/2023 to 17/03/2024 included.
Departure from the Bus Station to La Clusaz : 8h00 - Departure from Place Dorcière 15h45 - Departure from the station to return to Geneva.